No Image Available. Ark of the covenant!
Artists conception!
The Ark of the Covenant of Almighty God. יהוה gave specific instructions for its construction. The chest was 26 inches high and 26 inches wide and 44 inches long. It was acacia wood and overlaid inside and out with gold. On its cover were two golden cherubs facing each other with wings extended. The cover was also known as the "mercy seat" or "propitiatory cover." There were long poles of acacia wood overlaid in gold and placed by Moses in golden hoops on each side of the Ark. They were never removed so there was no need for anyone ever to touch the Ark. The Ark contained the stone tablets of the ten commandments. A golden jar of manna and the rod of Aaron were added later but removed before the Temple was built by Solomon. יהוה appeared [sometimes] in a cloud and/or light above the Ark; between the wings of the Cherubs. The Ark was kept screened off in the most holy of the Tent of Meeting and then later the Temple; and no one except the appropriate priests could see it, under penalty of death. There were prescribed ways to cover and shield the Ark from view when it was moved. It was "only" to be moved by carrying it with the poles. The Ark demonstrated יהוה's presence but did not guarantee success. That depended on the relationship of the people with יהוה, based on their following his instructions. Today, it all represents our need for unwavering faith in the covering sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our behalf: (Gal 3:23-25) Not in our asserting we have faith, mind you, but in our actually having it. We must truly believe what God sent Jesus to teach each of us. (John 6:28-29John 18:37John 12:49)