Does God have a name?   Is knowing and using the personal name of our Creator something you should concern yourself with? (Ezekiel 36:22-23; Deuteronomy 5:11; John 17:25-26)

----- This information highlights a change to the website reflecting an important new understanding (published in 2018). You should carefully consider how this knowledge is important for you personally. Previously, I ignorantly used a several hundred year old attempt to translate God's personal name from Hebrew () into English as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh." Some have also replaced and represented the divine name using "LORD" (in all capitol letters) or as "YHWH" in Greek or as "Elohim." I no longer feel any of those replacements are appropriate. Actually listening to and taking to heart the words of Christ (John 17:25-26) has awakened me to the need to make our Creators true name known to this world. The Hebrew Name needs to be known to everyone alive.

You should really Learn to read and write
the Divine Name of our Creator.
(Joel 2:32)
God's Hebrew Name is   יהוה . (Hebrew is the language of the original Old Testament writings.) Just really look at God's Name. It is just four Hebrew letters and one is repeated. It is written right to left so the first letter at the far right is YOD ( י ) which looks a bit like an apostrophe (or the top half of a lower case l )... The second letter is HE ( ה ) which is like a (tall) lower case n with a cut out at the top of its left upright... The third letter is VAH ( ו ) which looks like an upper case I with a little flag off to the left at the top... The fourth letter is another HE ( ה ) and is just a repeat of the lower case n with the cut out at the top of its left leg... Practice writing The Divine Name. (Jud 12:5-6) It looks like   יהוה   or   יהוה   depending on the font chosen. It sounds like . (That's Yea like "Yea"-go-team followed by Vah, as the first two letters of VAult. The English letters "YeaVah" do not form a real word, but is a made up "sounds-like." You should not write "YeaVah" to represent . - Exo 20:7)

[To verify my assertions that God's proper Name is יהוה, will probably require you do the same thing I did: I contacted several Hebrew speaking Jewish congregations (they probably call them synagogues, and I just located them randomly using phone books for cities across the U.S.). I simply asked to speak with someone who spoke Hebrew, and then explained I was a Bible student interested in the Jewish culture and beliefs, and showed my interest in a brief conversation that got around to asking them if יהוה was the proper pronunciation of God's Name. Most would not pronounce The Name themselves, some said that seemed proper, and some said yes, יהוה is the correct pronunciation of God's Name. None of them said it was not.]

God's Name is . You should study and learn to recognize that one Hebrew word.*➁*➂ My error was the same as made by those people who have created and now follow any of the religious sects of this world. (Mark 7:6-8) Rather than really listening to Christ, I previously listened to and followed some of the early English Bible translators when they made what I now consider a grave error. A few hundred years ago, they emboldened themselves to attempt to translate the Divine Name of our Creator from Hebrew into English. No such translation was commanded or authorized by  יהוה . While I now realize that error, I also find restoring the Divine Name everywhere it was replaced (with Jehovah or Yahweh or LORD or YHWH) across the thousands of pages of this entire website is not practical in the short term. Here is the complication with doing so:  יהוה is the personal name of God as He inspired it to be recorded over 6000 times in the original Hebrew Scriptures (we know today as The Old Testament). is a Hebrew word using Hebrew characters and written from right to left, while English is written left to right.*➁ Because many computers don't handle mixed languages well, there is no simple or quick way to substitute the Hebrew Name and properly replace "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" or "LORD" or "YHWH" in all the thousands of existing English language webpages.

The Divine Name is important because God warned in Deuteronomy 5:11 and Leviticus 24:16 against abusing or misusing his name. Also, Jesus said his Father's name is important and that he came to make it known. (John 17:25-26) Because of that Hebrew scripture warning, many modern day Jews refuse to pronounce God's name at all, just actually saying "The Name" when reading text containing  יהוה. (What they actually utter, of course, are the Hebrew words which mean "The Name.") Adopting a similar fear, many religious sects have substituted "LORD" in all capitol letters for  יהוה. The change to this website, then, is to recognize and publicize the importance of knowing and using the Divine Name of our Creator. New webpages will use to represent God where possible. As we work for what will probably take years to correct old webpages, I recommend an immediate solution. Consider taking somewhat the opposite action of the Jews who fearfully utter "The Name" or "The LORD" when they read God's name in their Hebrew language. When YOU see "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" or "YHWH" or "LORD" on this website, please know and understand it should be  יהוה and pronounce it*➀ as .

*➁ [God's name thus starts at the right with  י  (the letter Yod) which looks much like an English apostrophe, followed to its left by  ה  (He) that looks a little like a lower case n with a break at the top of its left leg, followed by ו  (Vav) which looks a little like a capitol I, and ending at the left with another  ה  (He), (similar to a small case n with a break.) God's Name thus looks like   יהוה   or   יהוה   depending of the chosen font. Look carefully at the individual letters in the Name, comparing both fonts, so you can easily recognize God's personal Name. That is important!]

*➂ (Please understand this is not an encouragement to learn Hebrew to better study God's word. We only highlight [or perhaps warn of - Jer 16:21; Psa 91:14; Isa 42:8; Isa 43:6-7] your need to be familiar with this one Hebrew word. That is not hard.*➁ You  should  must learn to know and use the self given name of our Grand Creator. What ever language is your native tongue, you should recognize   יהוה  . Every person alive should be united in knowing God's personal Name is  יהוה . [John 6:45])   -----

*➀ For English speakers who wish to pronounce God's name, his name in Hebrew is two syllables: First syllable pronounced "Ye(a)" as in "yea, go team," second syllable "Va(h)" as in the first two letters of "vault"...  יהוה is thus pronounced Ye(a)Va(h). (Click the pronunciation example below.) About 30 years ago, I learned the pronunciation of God's Hebrew name from a man who spoke the language. Over that 30 years, I have verified the pronounciation at least twice with Hebrew speaking Jews. If you wish, you can verify the pronunciation of God's Name the same way I did, by asking someone who speaks Hebrew; from one of the many Jewish communities (but not one of the more extreme sects I think - they pronounce it a little differently than I learned). Many Jewish people are proud of and are anxious to share knowledge of the God of their holy writings (a large portion of the Old Testament). What you can learn from the Bible about their Jewish God is good; He is the father of Christ Jesus!

Click the arrow to hear the pronunciation of  יהוה.

As we consider "religion" and it's history, and note how most religion differs so greatly from the Bible and it's recorded history of Christianity and true worship, it does seem important to know and use the Bible's given name for the God it exalts. (Isaiah 55:6-11) Every religion has it's own God, and most are very proud to call him by what they consider to be his name. Knowing and using the Bible given Hebrew name for God () will help in distinguishing the true God of the Bible from all other God's. Since Christianity was born of Judaism,   יהוה   is the God of all who follow Christ. (Rom 10:12; Gal 3:26-29) Put bluntly,   יהוה   distinguishes the true God from the God's created by men. (Acts 17:29; Isaiah 40:15-31; Isaiah 44:6-25) Although Christ Jesus is central to salvation for those who put faith in the Bible, much of the Bible's teachings about it's God predate the birth of Jesus by thousands of years. is the God who dealt with mankind for the 4000 years between the creation of Adam and Eve and the birth of Christ. Still today, continues to help mankind. In our modern day, however, He is using his son as the primary way to speak with and direct us. (Heb 1:1-2; Mat 17:5; John 5:19-30)

Please consider why God's name is important: A news caster reported in 2009 that a man on a U.S. Military base shouted "Allah akbar" just before shooting several people. (Hasan - Nov. 2009 - Nashville, TN, News channel 5) The newscaster went on to report Hasan's words translate into English as "God is great." I don't speak Arabic, but I can recognize that is not what the man said. Assuming the rest of the translation was accurate, what the man actually said was, "Allah is great." Hasan thereby identified the personal name of his God; as he proudly tied the name of the God he worships to his actions. The God worshiped by sincere Bible students is not Allah, or any of the other God's worshiped by mankind except one: , the God of the Bible. (Acts 17:22-24) [It should be noted those who support this site do not condone or support the violent action of this man Hasan, or any other form of violence. Jesus, as the son sent by to teach us about him, (John 7:14-18) said those who live by the sword will die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52-53) Jesus taught his followers to be peaceable. (Romans 12:17-18) We therefore wait for the kingdom of Christ to measure out justice to any who are violent beyond correction, and so put themselves in line to be dealt with by God through use of force. (Matthew 16:27)] In the Bible He himself inspired, to distinguish himself from all other Gods, the true God made clear to us what His personal Name is: . The Name of transcends language barriers. Every person alive should know God's Name!

Knowing and using 's Hebrew Name, and thus abandoning the attempted English translation of Jehovah, will also help distinguish you from Jehovah's Witnesses [the sect abandoning the title "Christian" to identify themselves using one of the attempted English translation of God's Name. - Acts 11:26b] Some members of that group were once sincere Bible students. Some of them believe they still are... The sect refers to the small sub-group who are their chosen leaders interchangeably by the titles, "the faithful and discreet slave," the "Anointed" or the "Brothers of Christ." (Mat 23:1-12) A small subset of that ruling class, who are in turn selected to establish, write, and enforce their doctrine, are referred to as their "governing body." That governing "class" (the subset their group has chosen to follow and  look up to  worship) have started to imagine and even teach the writings they are creating are "spiritual food" which is inspired by God (as only the Bible actually is). So... They have left off being Bible students. They, as a group, now demand all members follow what they call the "spiritual food" being produced by their governing body without question or hesitation. What that means, of course, is they actually place those writings above the Bible; since the "governing body" is elevated by the rest of their sect to define for them what the Bible means. It is somewhat similar to the Mormons with their "Book of Mormon," and all the other sects who have chosen to follow their own doctrine. Where the Book of Mormon disagrees with or goes beyond the Bible, for example, Mormons follow Joseph Smith and his book of Mormon. Jehovah's Witnesses follow their governing body without question under the group supported penalty of disfellowshipping or excommunication. Christians, on the other hand, follow Christ! That distinguishes all who are religious: All sectarian religious groups follow their group's doctrine of judgment and harm, as they actually imagine their judgment against someone is also God's judgment. Christians, on the other hand, understand Jesus is our only judge! (2 Thes 1:6-12; John 12:46-50; 1 Cor 15:20-28; 1 Cor 4:1-5) Another effect using 's personal name might have, is to associate you with the portion of the Jewish community who still pronounce the divine name. Your expression of faith in Jesus will set you apart as a Christian, however, since the Jews rejected Jesus and are still waiting for their promised Messiah to appear.

Please ponder the importance of God's name in light of what He inspired recorded, according to the King James translation of the Bible (with God's Hebrew name restored): Psa. 83:18: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is , art the most high over all the earth." Again at Isa 12:2 KJV: "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. At Isa 26:4 KJV: "Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD is everlasting strength." And God himself said at Exo 6:3 KJV: "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name was I not known to them." [We quote the above from the 1769 Authorized King James Translation which actually used the English word Jehovah to replace God's personal name when they translated from the Hebrew language. We have herein returned the Hebrew name of God to these Bible verses so as to accurately represent, even in English, what actually said through his inspired prophets.]

Actually, few if any English translations of the Bible have retained God's personal name, even where the original language text did contain it. A few replaced it with Yahweh, but Jehovah or LORD seems the more common attempted English translations of the Divine Name. It might surprise some people to learn the original Hebrew Bible writings used the divine name more than six thousand times. The translations that omitted or substituted for God's personal name usually noted why they chose to do so in some form of introduction or preface. We have included a chart showing how God's name was used in the original text, and how it was substituted out by most translations. [Chart in .jpg file format or in .bmp format.] Fortunately for us in our day, even though most of us don't speak Hebrew, we have several good translations of the Bible to refer to: Translations done by sincere individuals or translation committees. By comparing more than one translation done by such talented people, we glean a perhaps better understanding of the original Bible texts than we could if we could actually read those ancient texts. Even though they replaced God's name, using the introductions or prefaces by those translators, and from secular history and references [encyclopedias etc.], we can easily prove for ourselves that God's personal Hebrew name was indeed recorded in the original Bible text. [Chart in .jpg format or in .bmp format.] Since some of the history recorded by the Bible predates the birth of Jesus Christ by several thousand years, shouldn't we know the name of the God revealing himself during those pre-Christian years? Also, since Jesus prayed openly to his Father, shouldn't we know who Jesus was praying to? (John 11:41; John 17:1; Luke 22:41-43) Some people will try to assert Jesus is God. Jesus rebuked the Jews when they reasoned and falsely asserted he was claiming to be equal with God when he said he was God's son. (John 5:18-19...) Paul taught that even in the end times, after all Christ's enemies have been destroyed, Jesus would still submit himself to his own Father. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Don't let anyone obscure the value of your knowing both Christ Jesus, and his Father . (John 17:3 ; John 12:50)

Please note, Jesus often quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures as justification for faith in his Father's teachings. His example of faith in the Scriptures then becomes a support for our own faith. As Jesus tried to help the Jews understand how the Christ would be known as the son of David, and also as the son of God, at Matthew 22:43 thru 45, Jesus quoted from the Hebrew scriptures. There we read: (Matthew 22:43-45 MWT) . . .He [Jesus] said to them: "How, then, is it that David by inspiration calls him 'Lord,' saying, 44 said to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet."' 45 If, therefore, David calls him 'Lord,' how is he [also] his [David's] son?". . . Jesus grew up studying the Hebrew scriptures and he there quoted the prophecy from the Psalm by David to prove he was both a son of David, and also the son of God. (Luke 1:32-33) Modern translations have omitted God's name from the Greek scriptures. Isn't it unreasonable, though, to imagine Jesus would fail to use his Father's name when quoting from Hebrew scriptures which did contain the divine name? Growing up as a Jew (Luke 2:40-52) and thus under the Jewish law, Jesus would most surely use the name of God when he read or discussed the Hebrew scriptures containing the name. In the above example, Jesus was quoting from Psalms 110:1 where David [under inspiration] called the yet to appear Christ [also his descendant] his lord: "Psalm of David. said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put thine enemies as footstool of thy feet." This was a prophecy given King David about a then future time when would seat the resurrected lord of David [Jesus] at God's right hand, until God placed their enemies as a stool for Christ's feet. That would happen as part of the second appearance of Christ; as King of all the earth [and of all creation]. (Daniel 2:44) [It would seem by the scriptural indicators Jesus gave us, that time is now!] When Jesus read or quoted the Hebrew scriptures that used God's personal name, and read the Divine Name himself, he would in turn have been quoted as doing so in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (Luke 4:16-21)

What about those unclear as to who Jesus is, or confused about his relationship to his Father? As to who Jesus is: Jesus himself explained that very carefully for us. Jesus said he was not , (John 20:17) nor is he equal to . (John 14:28) Jesus is 's son! (John 10:36) Some of the Jews accused Jesus of asserting he was equal to his Father; simply because Jesus told them he was God's son. Jesus explained they were confused about what he meant. Jesus went on to tell them he really was 's son, but also explained being God's son did not make him equal with his Father. (John 5:18-30 ; John 14:28 ; 1 Corinthians 15:27-28) Jesus did say he and the Father are one. (John 10:30) We can know Jesus meant he and his Father were one in purpose, as Jesus immediately followed that statement by praying for his followers to become one, just as he and his Father are one. (John 17:11) Jesus made his Father known, so his followers might have hope in salvation by through their faith in Christ Jesus as God's son. (Proverbs 18:10 ; 2 Timothy 3:15 ; Revelation 12:10) How could Jesus possibly make his Father's name known, if he did not use 's name? [John 17:25-26 - Note from that scripture, knowing the name of Jesus's Father is tied to having the love of Christ.] is the God of all who have life: He is God even of his son Christ Jesus. (John 20:17) Let no one deceive you about the relationship between Jesus and his Father : "This means everlasting life," your "taking in knowledge" of "and" of his son Christ Jesus. (John 17:3) Jesus taught us to pray for his Father's name to be held holy. (Matthew 6:9)

Recognizing God's name is a simple thing, as long as you don't allow yourself to be confused by those who publish their own doctrine [teachings] using some subset of the scriptures picked and chosen to support what they want to believe. False prophets (Mat 7:15-29; Acts 20:29-30) can be easily identified: Most of such individuals or groups use terms that don't even exist in the Bible, and all fail to encourage you to hear 's command (Mat 17:5) to actually listen to his Christ. Everyone alive should know the name of Christ Jesus, and the name of - the Father of us all. How else could we be part of the fulfillment of Jesus prayer that his Father's name be held holy? (Matthew 6:9) How else could you claim that Jesus made his Father's name known to you? (John 17:26)

May you join with us in the song and/or prayer of the angels. (Rev 4:6-11) Like those powerful spirit creatures, may we choose the joy of knowing, loving, and praising forever! (Ezekiel 36:22-23 ; Psalms 22:26-27a ; Psalms 146:1-2)

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